Tarot Cards
Let me explain to you the different types of Tarot that I use plus a brief explanation of what Tarot means. Tarot comes from centuries ago as a way of contacting the past and future by way of cards. i use several types: first The sacred circle tarot which gives the questioner ways to walk the spirtual path of wisdom. the second tarot I use is that of the shapeshifter which gives you the animals that help guide you and they help to open the door to inner vision. Each tarot can be asked any question you may have and the answers are there for your journey.
There are several different ways to present the cards, each depending on the question. Each question can take between 10 to 30 minutes to explain. Given the question that is asked.
So join the dance of the sacred circle . These mystical cards will attune your inner rhythms so they vibrate with the pulse of the earth itself.
Or you can draw the power of the Shapshifter Tarot cards to uncover traits,characteristics, potentials that have lain hidden until now.
So sit back and ask the questions that have been unanswered and let the answers begin.
get you free Tarot Reading now!
Questions, Comments, E-mail me at PsychAthena@aol.com